Thought For The Day

Majority Opinion

I think I understand the term “democracy.” In it’s simplest terms – one person, one vote. Of course our United States of America is a “representative republic.” We have three branches of Government who supposed divide the power and work together to accomplish what is best for our Nation as a whole. (Yeah. Right!)

The most scary bunch to me are the nine Justices who make up the Supreme Court (a major focus of the Judiciary branch). The statement I read this morning, assuming it is an accurate quote, and means what it says, and assuming that I am not misunderstanding the parsing of language, increases my concern.

In relationship to the U. S. Supreme Court taking up California’s Constitutional ban on same-sex marriage which was approved by a majority of voters, Cornell University law professor Michael Dorf was interviewed:

“There is a commonly held but inaccurate view that [sic] the Supreme Court does is to impose its views on the country. It very rarely does that. Much more frequently, it will take a view that is either a majority in some place or a majority of elite opinion, and speed up acceptance,” said Dorf, who was a Supreme Court law clerk to Justice Anthony Kennedy. (Yahoo News)

Now, help me here. “A majority in some place”? Does that mean a place other than the majority of voters in California? Or worse, “a majority of elite opinion”? What on Earth does that mean? Can I be part of this “elite” majority? Does one have to have some “rank” in society to have influence in our Justice system? Surely Professor Dorf “mis-spoke.”

We have already reached the place in the Church of Jesus Christ were a “majority” of people seem anxious to make the TRUTH less demanding. Fortunately, the Supreme Justness of our God does not allow for majority opinion – elite or not – but rather, is always and forever immutable and unerring. (Might I be so bold as to suggest to the Justices of the U. S. Supreme Court that this is a settled matter in His court.)

Wish that were true of those nine folks in black.

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