Thought For The Day

Affiliate Relationships

There are some real possibilities for building affiliate relationships in 2013. Two groups – one old, one new – appear to me to have the same kind of operation. Why not join them together for the mutual benefit of all concerned. Things may not get better for the “public at large” but at least it will all start to make sense – and that will be different, at least from my perspective.

It was marijuana instead of champagne this year for some New Year’s Eve revelers in Colorado, who lit up in private smoking clubs allowed for the first time under the state’s new pot laws. [Paul] Lovato said his goal is to operate a coffee shop that sells T-shirts, bumper stickers, and other pot-related gifts in one building on his property. In another building, he will offer a “smoking den” area with booths where guests can drink good coffee and smoke marijuana that they bring with them. (ABC NEWS)

Meanwhile, a few miles to the East –

As debate began, Republican House Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp heralded “a legacy vote” . . . and described it as the largest tax cut in history. It fell to Democratic Representative Charlie Rangel to admit “this is no profile in courage for me to be voting for this bill” because “we created this monster.” The polarized House approved the measure, unchanged, after House Republican leaders beat back a day-long insurrection within their ranks fueled by conservative anger at the bill’s lack of spending cuts. (YAHOO NEWS)

Now if we can get these two groups together – the first group can have the two places (Senate Chamber/House Chamber) they need for selling T-shirts and smoking “weed.” The second group will actually have a reason (excuse?) for thinking that they have done something other than “kick the can down the road,” and making outrageous statements similar to saying this is “the the largest tax cut in history” when no one is getting a cut and most tax paying folks will get an increase. And, in case you missed it, the American people get to watch them (Congress) do this all over again in two months.

It almost makes me want to start smoking pot!

Some of you will ask what this has to do with “llove” and my penchant for sharing Biblical Truths. Don’t think I don’t have an answer, because I do – and here it is:



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