Thought For The Day


Sometimes really good news is hindered from being disseminated because “certain interests” have a stake in keeping the “public” uninformed.

I was sharing this information with my Pastor, and he suggested I pass it along to some of you (you will know who you are).

According to new research this week in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), researchers say that being overweight may lead to a longer life. We published an article in 2005 that showed, among other things, that overweight was associated with lower mortality says the current study’s lead author, Katherine Flegal, a senior research scientist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Since that study, however, dozens of others have reached the same conclusion — even if it was hard for researchers and the public to accept. (Laura Blue, Time Magazine)

Let me add, however, I don’t believe in “mortality.” No one who has ever lived will ever die. While we are mortal, we will, someday, put on immortality. Some will be gathered to the presence of Jehovah God in a place we call Heaven, and some will be separated from Him for eternity.

Neither is dependent on our weight. Rather, it depends on our faith in God’s redeeming grace. If you don’t understand that, I suggest you find a Church or an individual who can explain the TRUTH to you. After all, keeping that information from the “public” is not our goal.

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