Thought For The Day

Rename Parks in the Old South

History revisionists are anxious to change as much history as possible when it does not fit with their agenda. Moves to change the name of Public Parks which evoke remembrance of America’s War Between the States is prominent in the South where Confederate soldiers are honored.

Fresh division arose before the Memphis City Council voted recently to rename Nathan Bedford Forrest Park in Memphis, where a statue of Forrest stands and the general is buried. The council also voted to rename two other parks whose names evoke the Confederate Civil War heritage. (Associated Press)

I haven’t heard of any movements to change “Lincoln Park,” or “Grant Park,” or. . .well, you get the picture. Attempting to change our future generations understanding of history is a disservice to Americans who served, suffered grievous wounds, and died for “their Country.”

I have also noticed that many want to change the understanding of America society in relationship to sin, rebellion to Truth, and a flagrant dishonoring of God. Those many desire to do so by attempting to change the curse of sin (death) by calling it a different name, e.g. “alternate lifestyle,” “women’s choice,” “open marriage,” or invoking the “god of many names.”

Just as so many  valiant soldiers gave their all to the War Between the States, so Jesus Christ gave His life to ransom men from eternal death. Changing the names of parks to revise history, or changing the names of sin in an attempt to avoid righteous judgment will not help.

History and Truth are what they are.

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