Thought For The Day

Scripture Writing

Sometimes people take on huge challenges. I think that is true for the man in upstate New York who chose to hand write a copy of the King James version of the Bible.

Why would someone do that? I suppose the reasons are as varied as the number of people who do it – don’t Monks (somewhere, sometime) do that? However, for this gentleman – and I am assuming much from the brief article published about his task – the reason seems lacking.

Philip Patterson has said he started the project to learn about the Bible, not as a spiritual quest. But he said the project has helped him become more patient, confident and loving. The project was slowed by his health problems, including AIDS and anemia. Patterson worked as much as 14 hours a day on his project. (Associated Press/ABC News)

One would think (and hope, and perhaps he was not quoted in entirety) that one would achieve much more from so much contact with the Word of God. I would think (and hope) that He would have discovered and incredible, infinite, omnipotent God who empowers men to be Godly, molds them into the image of Christ, and sends them forth into the World be “witnesses to Him” in every facet of life.

Based solely on the article as written, my question would be – What if a man penned the entire Scripture and failed to encounter the Savior of his own soul? Or, what would it profit a man to spend 14 hours a day at a task that cannot lead to life eternal?

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