Thought For The Day


My mom, now in Heaven, often said, “Give credit where credit is due.” I can live with that and believe it is a good practice.

I have been impressed with Pope Francis, titular head of the Roman Catholic Church. I have no idea if he is a Believer, and the Church of Rome has kept more people from saving faith than they have brought to the Savior. None the less, he often speaks Truth, and he seems to care about people, chooses to move among them, and trust them with his life and well-being. That is a major change for  Church leadership.

Here are a couple of Truths from this week. He is right, simply. Just right.

In his homily, Francis called on people, himself included, to look into their own hearts to see how they are living their lives. “Has my life fallen asleep?” Francis asked after listening to a Gospel account of how Jesus’ disciples fell asleep shortly before he was betrayed by Judas before his crucifixion. “Am I like Pontius Pilate, who, when he sees the situation is difficult, washes my hands?” (Associated Press)

Too many of us are “asleep at the wheel.” Too many of us always take the “easy way” out.

So, if I may paraphrase Pope Francis (whether this is what he meant or not), “Wake up! Get busy with the difficulties of The Faith. Become all you can be in Christ, our Lord.”

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