Thought For The Day

Refusal To Get It Right

Either the people who write and politicians who speak are “dumb” as a box of rocks, or they refuse to get it right. I am going to choose the latter because I am really not mean at heart (no, really).

The latest (or close to latest) decision by the Supreme Court, in the matter of The United States vs. Hobby Lobby, was a decision about “religious” freedom as enfranchised in the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. As I understand it Hobby Lobby is not opposed to offering “birth control” through their insurance coverage, rather they “will not” (they said they would close the business – hence another loss of jobs in this dying economy) cover drugs that are after the fact “abortion inducing” drugs. Out of the multiple number of “contraceptives” available on the market, only three or four are covered by this ruling, and that very selectively to certain companies.

Now come the “media” and the politicians who REFUSE to get it right:

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton condemned the Supreme Court’s decision on Hobby Lobby’s challenge to the Obamacare contraceptive-coverage mandate. The ruling that closely held corporations can deny birth control coverage to their employees on religious grounds, she said, is “a really bad slippery slope.” (TIME)

God forbid that we would follow the clear mandate of our Constitution. This was a very small (very, very small) victory for “religious” liberty and the Constitution. No one is being denied birth control coverage. Get it right! Just because a Company makes money in the free market does not mean that they should lose their “religious” liberties. It is not a “really bad slippery slope,” rather, it is a single toe hold in the hope of keeping America a Nation with freedoms and liberties outlined by its founders and preserved  by the sacrifice of myriad lives.

Not to worry though. The Executive Branch of our Government will fix this so that liberty is abrogated and the murder of innocents continues unabated.

Yes! Yes! I am angry at the ignorance and audacity of so many. And so is our Father!


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