Thought For The Day


Years ago, on a few occasions, I joined a friend (or two) for some rattlesnake hunting. My first outing was quite enlightening. Fortunately rattlesnakes are cold blooded and don’t move too fast when they are forced from their dens, and one can usually catch them (with a very long pole/catcher sort of thing) before they get too close.

I have been in situations with rattlesnakes where they were not cold, and if  you have not been, let me warn you. They are very (very, very) fast when striking, and can be quite deadly (without immediate medical attention) under most circumstances. Hence, I have a suggestion for you. Leave them alone. Keep your distance. Check the statistics on their ability to strike, damage, kill, and destroy.

HAMAS (think Gaza) doesn’t seem to get it. Hamas had urged people across the territory not to heed the Israeli warnings and abandon their homes. (Reuters) Hamas keeps up their inaccurate, mostly defeated, rocket attack on Israel. They talk a good war, but are out-smarted, out-gunned, out-manned, and out-witted.

Doesn’t God have some covenants with Israel? Oh, I know, there are some disputes about all that among theologians. But, here’s one thing that seems indisputable: Israel is not a Country with which to trifle. Or, at least, it should seem so to Hamas.


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